Frequently Asked Questions


1. What will you not review?

2. Where else on the internet can I find you?

3. What are your favorite game focused YouTubers?


1. What will you not review?

-Anything in Early Access. I’m not going to review unfinished products, regardless of quality. If a company takes it out of Early Access, I’d be happy to review it.

-MMOs/MOBAs/Multiplayer focused games. This requires spending a lot of time and possibly money continuously playing only a few games due to the nature of an ever updating game, and I would rather play a variety of games than the same few games over and over again. Plus there are already dozens of people out there who already focus on these types of games.

-Long running franchises. Unlike the other things on this list, I’m not going to say that I’m never going to play a long running franchise, but with the small amount of time that I do have, I don’t feel like playing hundreds of Final Fantasy games.

-Anything blatantly offensive. Nothing racist, sexist, transphobic, or bigoted. I’m not against reviewing something with difficult content that deals with these issues, but there has to be a larger context behind it.

2. Where else on the internet can I find you?

My Twitter Account –

My Twitter Account –

Backloggd –

3. What are your favorite game focused YouTubers?

Accursed Farms –

MandaloreGaming –

brutalmoose –

Civvie11 –

Grim Beard –

Ahoy –;

Virtual Gaming Library –