Pirate games are far and few between, and good pirate games are even fewer, probably few enough to be counted on one hand, maybe two. So when Pirate Doom came along, it was definitely a breath of fresh air.

Released on fourth of September, 2013, the majority of the mod was created by one guy nicknamed Arch AKA Darth. The plot is simple, you find out that someone has stolen your treasure and turned all of the pirates into monsters, and you have to fight your way through hordes of them to get your treasure back.

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The mod is heavily influenced by the Monkey Island series, and its pretty obvious, with some of its graphics and music taken from the series. The mod also borrows from several other games, but I’ll let you discover these on your own. They all work together pretty well, so no complaints there.

Enemies have been dressed accordingly, such as the zombies (and the doomguy) wear eye patches, Arch-viles being voodoo doctors, the Revenants shooting parrots instead of rockets, Hell Knights and Barons of Hell having tattoos, and Imps looking like pirates. Even the Arachnotrons have their mechanical parts placed with steampunk technology. There are also a few new enemies, such as pygmy type people.

Graphically, the mod looks good, with levels set in a atmospheric graveyard and fog with the ghosts of dead pirates, a moody sunken ship and its former crew, and a Circus that contains a freak show. The game even has a level where your firing canons on a boat, destroying other boats. It is limited by the engine, but its an addition that adds greatly to the mix. There is a lot of variety in the visuals that prevents it from getting old really quickly.

It also has a lot of small details that add a lot to the game. When you shoot mirrors, they crack, there are a lot of pirate tropes and cliches packed into each level, and when you kill Imps, their tricorne’s are knocked off and float back down to the ground in a comical way.

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Levels are well designed, feeling fair with it’s monster placement, even on the higher skill levels. The weapons are also designed accordingly, which include a flint pistol, both a shotgun and double shotgun, fast and slow firing cannons, and even a dynamite launcher, which the BFG equivalent.

Weapons are given out slowly, but when you get your hands on them, you realize they would have made earlier levels a cakewalk.

There is little reason not to try Pirate Doom. Its tongue-in-cheek presentation is top notch, and mixed with Doom’s gameplay, makes for an excellent mix. Pirate Doom is definitely worth downloading.

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